
Friday 10th November 2023



Monday 13th November

Odd Socks Day

Tuesday 14th November

Nasal Flu Immunisation

Thursday 16th November

Sports For School Event and visit

Friday 17th November

Play and Stay Session - Reception 2024 families - 9.30 am to 10.30 am

Monday 20th to Friday 24th November

Book Fair

Tuesday 21st November

Rec and Year 6 Weighing and Measuring

Wednesday 22nd November

Year 2 Visit From the Fire Brigade

Thursday 23rd November

Year 2 Christmas Journey - King Centre

Friday 24th November

Non-Uniform / Mufti Day - Sweets

Wednesday 29th November

Choir Performance - Hook Library

Thursday 30th November

Choir Performance - Chessington Garden Centre

Friday 1st December

Non-Uniform / Mufti Day - Chocolates

Thursday 7th November

Christmas Fair

Friday 8th December

Christmas Fair

Christmas Whole School Carol Performance pm

Tuesday 12th December

Choir Performance - The Star and Garter

Wednesday 13th December

Rec and KS1 Christmas Performance 9.15 am

Christmas Singing to Nursery Parents - 11 am

Thursday 14th December

Choir Performance - Chessington Garden Centre

Friday 15th December

Year 1 Visit - Amy Woodgate Care Home

Monday 18th December

Christmas Pantomime

Wednesday 20th December

ABM Christmas Lunch 

Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 21st December

Last day of term (early finish)

Friday 22nd December to Friday 5th January

Christmas Holidays

Monday 8th January


Tuesday 9th January

Children return

Tuesday 16th January

Year 6 Trip - Natural History Museum

Friday 9th February

Last day of half-term

Monday 12th to Friday 16th February


Monday 19th February

Children Return


Odd Socks Day - Monday 13th Nov

Children can join in the launch of Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks to school next Monday.

Nasal Flu Immunisations - Tuesday 14th Nov

 Please complete the consent form YES or NO

PE Kits on Thursday 16th Nov

Our Paralympian visitor Kylie Grimes will be in school on Thursday and every child will have the opportunity to take part in a fitness circuit after the assembly.  Children should come in their PE kits on that day. Thank you for your support so far in raising sponsorship.   Please make your contribution via the QR code or the “Fundraiser Page” online. You can find all the information on this letter



Today we held a Remembrance Day assembly and shared the history of the event, which is now over a hundred years old.  We are focusing on our value of respect this week and the children's behaviour to adults and each other in class, in the playground and in assemblies, which today included a two minutes silence continues to be excellent.  

Get Fresh With Frozen

This is a great campaign to get children and families eating more vegetables. The website contains lots of  information about how using frozen vegetables can be a useful cost saving exercise and along with this there is a competition where you could win a freezer and the food to go in it.

Odd Socks Day

Next week is Anti-bullying week and the theme is 'Make a Noise', encouraging children to speak out. Kicking off with Odd Socks Day and an assembly, every class will explore this theme by taking part in short daily activities throughout the week, hopefully creating a whole school display to mark the event.

School Uniform Sale 

The second -hand uniform sale was a great success.  Thank you to FOE volunteers, the office team and Mrs Pakes, who manned the stand in the cold night air.

Scholastic Book Fair 

The Book Fair will be taking place afterschool from Tuesday 21st to Friday 24th November just in time for the Christmas season.  The children are very engaged in our Reading for Pleasure focus and this is a great opportunity to capitalise on their enthusiasm.  Last year, we raised over £700 to spend on new books.


Reception and The Festival of Light

This week, the Reception children have been learning about Diwali - the Hindu festival of Light.

The children had a go at making rangoli patterns, using rice and pulses, and rolled marbles in paint to represent the fireworks that they may see in the sky on Sunday.

Year 1 Ask 'Where does Beegu come from?'

Year 1 let their imagination go wild and drew pictures of Beegu's homeland in space.  Beegu is the main character in Year 1's class book and their creations were amazing.   

Year 2 Go Back In Time!

Year 2 were whisked back in time this week as they ventured back 357 years ago to 1666 to find out more about The Great Fire of London. They were sent a digital time machine and had to follow the rules set so they didn't get lost in the vortex! When they got there, they met Samuel Pepys himself, who looked strangely like Miss Peart and Miss Buddin, and asked him all about the important event ready to write their very own news report on it.

Reindeer Run 2023.pdf

Reindeer Run!

In the summer term, Year 2 will be learning about the history of the seaside and are looking forward to having a visit from the RNLI. The children are keen to raise money for the volunteers whilst keeping fit and would love your support. 

Year 4 Diva Lamps

This term, Year 4 are learning about Hinduism and what Hindus believe God is like.  This week, we created some diva lamps which are lit on Diwali to show how light triumphs over dark which is a very important part of these celebrations. The children loved creating their own versions.

Year 5/6 Athletics 

Our Year 5 and 6 sporting stars made us proud when they attended the Kingston Academy for an athletics competition in partnership with Active Kingston. The children did so well, demonstrated excellent determination and resilience and ended up placing third overall. They all earned their medals and it was lovely to see them wearing them with such pride. Their excellent sportsmanship helped them to work together and succeed as a team. Well done to each and every one of them! 

Year 6 trip to Imperial War Museum

Year 6 kicked the week off with an inspiring trip to the Imperial War Museum where they were able to immerse themselves in World War 1 and 2. Children were able to try on military uniforms and experience what life was like inside the trenches! 

All the children were amazing representatives for Ellingham and we had many compliments on their behaviour- well done Year 6! 

Year 6 Wellbeing Ambassadors

Four of our Year 6 Well-being ambassadors took part in the Mental Health Primary Conference at Southborough Secondary School this week.  During the event they took part in various activities and developed their understanding of resilience, working as a team and The Stress Bucket.  They learnt about calming strategies and made an action plan for what they wanted to achieve back at school.  One of their actions was to lead a well-being assembly- watch this space!

We all had a great morning and the girls were a pleasure to be with. 

Year 6 Playleader Training

On Tuesday 7th November, five excellent role models from Year 6 were selected to attend playleader training at a local school. The training enabled the children to develop their communication, teamwork and social skills. Alongside this, they became more confident leading activities with small groups of younger pupils within our school. 

We can't wait to see them implement this training in our playground to support children to promote our value of friendship. They are rightly wearing their badges with pride. See if you can notice them around our school!

Swimming Champs

It is always lovely when children are so proud of their achievements outside of school that they want to celebrate with their schoolmates. 

Congratultions to our swimmers who all received medals and certificates for their distance swimming.


Flu Vaccination for Reception to Year 6 Please complete form -yes or no

The school health nurses will be carrying out flu vaccinations on Tuesday, 14th November 2023 at Ellingham Primary School. Please use the link provided to access the electronic consent form. Please complete one consent form for each child to ensure your child receives their vaccination. The school heath team have requested parent/carers to complete the consent form even if you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu this year.

HRA Media Poster.pdf
Managing anger webinar flyer.pdf
ASD support group December 23.pdf

This is the full safeguarding team in school. They are all trained to Level 3 and everyone in the school received the annual update of Safeguarding Level 2 training at INSET.   

Contact details: 020 8397 3864 or email: to request a safeguarding call back. For pupil support, contact 020 8397 3864 or email: